Bilderberg 2012

This years Illuminati Bilderberg meeting will be in Chantille, Virginia at the Marriott Hotel.  The meeting is planned May 31st.

Picking the Vice President:

This years agenda may include picking Senator Marco Rubio as Mitt Romney's running mate (aka the future Vice President).

Marco Rubio (R-FLA)

Bilderberg meetings have a history of picking our leaders for us.  Remember when Obama was supposed to be on the plane with the reporters...but he was at the meeting instead where he was told that Hillary would become his Secretary of State.

They give us the illusion that we have a choice in elections....but that's all it illusion.  They pick our leaders for their benefit and not ours.

Saving their Friend...the Euro:
The European Union is the platform for the world's elite to obtain global governance.  Why do they want a global government and currency?  A global currency makes it easier for them to gather wealth.  A global government can be used to laws, which will decrease competition for THEIR money.  They view all of the world's wealth as theirs.  We're just temporarily holding it for them...for now. 

Bilderberg Agenda Attracts National Exposure:

Internet ID just for YOU!!!


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